Here's a quick peek a couple of things we're working on around the house...
I've been keeping an eye out for a vintage fan to mount on the wall in our bedroom rather than have a ceiling fan. I love having a fan on while I sleep in the summer, especially with a window open too.
There are a lot of these old fans floating around. A lot of them still work just fine and most of them have a little rust, a few dings and chipped paint. I love rust, dings and chipped paint but when I found this one, I knew it was the one. It was still in its original box with the tag on it and all its papers and looked brand new. It had been stowed away for the past 50 years in someones attic in Michigan and now it's back in Missouri, where it started out...where it belongs.
It's like a sweet homecoming.
The door on the barn track is another project we've got going on in the bedroom. I found the old door at a flea market and Jeff hung it from the track for me. I've got to decide how I want to finish the wood and put some opaque plexiglass in the window. I'll have another door on the same track on the other side of the fan for the of these days, hopefully.
Jeff's a busy man.
Recently he's been helping me get a garden ready and building a chicken tractor.
I, of coarse, "supervised" (skimmed through books) from right here...
for all of about five semi-relaxing minutes. Then it was back to refereeing kids and animals, playing name that bug and 20 500 questions times four chatty children and fetching tools, drinks, sandwiches and bandaids, nursing baby, changing diapers, etc, etc.
Back to the tractor. While preparing this post, I realized I didn't have any good pictures of the completed chicken tractor, so I grabbed my camera and headed out to snap one or two shots.
As soon as the girls (hens) heard the clickety click of my camera, they started heading over to the tractor to pose for me. We let them roam free all day and they typically only come to the tractor to get a drink or lay an egg, unless there's a camera involved, then they're all over it. Even Petunia, our barn cat, got into the act.
Silly cat, she thinks she's a chicken.
She was snacking on chicken feed when some of the hens spotted her and decided they couldn't let her hog the camera.
"Move over cat! This isn't about you!"
Before Petunia knew it, she was being ganged up on by the girls and she was run out of town!
The kids named the hen on the far left Eye Pecker, and for good reason. I'm guessing even Petunia knows about her reputation. Chickens just can't resist pretty little sparkles, especially that chicken. "Oh, what's that pretty sparkling thing in your face?" she clucks. "Here, let me..." peck, peck. "OUCH!! That's my EYE!" Yep, they're not very bright.
Anyway, for anyone that's curious, Jeff made the tractor out of an old chain link dog pen. He made an A frame from two of the panels and closed up the ends with chicken wire. Then made a small coop at one end with a ramp that we pull closed at night. The roof of the coop is made of left over metal roofing and is only screwed down at the top so we can lift it open to gather the eggs like so...
Every now and then, we find a kid in there, but it's usually just hens and eggs.
He can pull it around the yard with the riding mower when he needs to, hence the name chicken tractor.
Welp, that's all.