My apologies to everyone who finds this post a little over the top and always, always practice nail gun safety.
Today we're trying to get back into the groove of things after a fun visit from my sister and her family. My mother, who has more energy than all her children put together, is exhausted I'm sure. She's been feeding the whole clan and chasing around grand kids all this time. (Thank you, Momma!) Monday we all went to a park in the city that has a "water feature" and we had a blast. (It's just a few blocks from the house we used to live in.) My other sister is the family photographer (she's really good) and she took a million great pictures that I can't wait to get my hands on, but for now, mine will have to do.
In case you're wondering, playing in the water is allowed. In the peak of the summer it can be hard to even get near the water because of all the people. And as for germs, don't worry, there was enough chlorine in it to give me a faint sock line from sitting with my feet in the water and I haven't worn socks all summer!
That's probably enough pictures, huh? When we finished, it was a two and a half story plus a basement (four floors) with four bedrooms and three bathrooms. What a job it was! It's located in an historic district and when Jeff finished it, he won an award for best remodel from the city. Can my man deliver or what?? We were blessed to live their for a year and a half and experience down town living at it's best. As much as we enjoyed it we're still looking forward to country living.
I was going to show you one of the houses he built from scratch and maybe I still will but not today. Stick a fork in me 'cause I'm done!
This might be why I don't have any before pictures of my own. I was too busy trying to figure out how we were going to turn this nasty money pit into a house someone might actually want to live in. (See the pencil and paper in front of me? And I have to admit it was a LOT of fun for me.) That and I was, as usual, pregnant. So maybe I was a little distracted from my camera for a while.
Now, let me show you where all this dust is coming from and why they're wearing masks around their necks... (Insert scary movie screeching noises here.)
This, believe it or not, would eventually become the master suite. But first there was a little work to do, some of which resulted in this..